CAR T-cell therapy has the potential to fundamentally transform cancer treatment.
A revolutionary approach to fighting cancer, CAR T-cell therapy involves redirecting a patient's own immune cells to recognise and kill cancer.
Wellington Zhaotai Therapies' novel CAR T-cell construct has a unique, patented co-stimulatory domain which produces stronger anti-cancer activity in the laboratory than existing second generation CAR T-cells, which may provide a more effective treatment for patients. Pre-clinical data also suggest that this novel domain offers distinct advantages against solid tumour cancers.
This product is now being co-developed in New Zealand for the global market. A phase I safety trial is currently underway with progress planned for Phase II.
Wellington Zhaotai Therapies has a range of other cell therapies in the development pipeline, leveraging the company's unique IP.

Domain organisation within CAR constructs: (a) 2nd generation CAR, (b) Wellington Zhaotai Therapies' novel construct including the TLR2 co-stimulatory domain.